Photographer, artist and art director 

DEBORAH ANDERSON brings together her achievements in every area of her creative body of work from over the past 16 years as a world renowned photographer, artist and art director to delve into the world of documentary film making.

"The continued opportunity to walk amongst the Oceti Sakowin, meaning Seven Council Fires and known to some as the Sioux Nation, was only made possible because of my work with them for the feature documentary film, Women Of The White Buffalo, that began in 2018 and was released in April 2022"

— Deborah Anderson

"I received a master class in human understanding when I listened to their stories and witnessed their tears falling from their eyes for all they continue to endure as Indigenous peoples here in America."

— Deborah Anderson

"One of the words that stands out to me from the Lakota language, a language that evolves every day, is Wasi’chu or Wašícu which translates as “takes the fat” or “takes the best parts for himself". It is a word that describes the human condition based on racism, inhumanity, greed and exploitation. An ancient word whose meaning continues to plague their lives today."

— Deborah Anderson

"For this series I chose to capture the essence of the people with their connection to the winged ones, the four legged and Mother Earth, as this is the true nature of who we are.

We are all Indigenous.."

— Deborah Anderson